Job 2:3 “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on earth. The man is blameless as well as upright. He fears God and keeps away from evil. He remains firm in his integrity...” (ISV)
Am I the kind of person God can brag about? Scholars debate the question of whether God was inciting Satan to evil. While I don't believe God tempts anyone to evil (even or especially Satan) that's not even the point. The point is that God is proud of Job.
Consider that for a moment. Here, God's greatest enemy has come before him. God could take the occasion to remind Satan how powerful a God He really is. He could have said, "Have you considered the Grand Canyon?" Or He might have asked, "Have you noticed the Northern Lights lately?" But He didn't. He said, "Have you considered My servant Job?"
The question I ask myself today is whether God can say the same thing about me. In this meditation, replace your name for Job's name. See if it fits. If it doesn't fit, ask God to reveal how you can change your life to make you into the kind of person that God brags about.
Job 2:3 “Have you considered my servant ________?
There is no one like him (her) on earth.
The man (woman) is blameless as well as upright. He fears God and keeps away from evil.
He (she) remains firm in his (her) integrity...”
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Job 2:3 “Have you considered my servant ________?
There is no one like him (her) on earth.
The man (woman) is blameless as well as upright. He fears God and keeps away from evil.
He (she) remains firm in his (her) integrity...”