How to Use the Protestant Prayer Beads

This set:
Tan: spacer
White: Invitatory/ Benedictory
Large brown: Cruciform
Small multicolored: Weeks
The Protestant prayer beads are not a magical or mystical tool.  Using them doesn't amplify your prayers so God can hear you better.  However, using them can help you turn down the volume on your own thinking so you can hear God better.  On this page, you'll learn how to use the prayer beads in order to help you focus on what God is saying to you through His written word, the Bible, and through His living Word, Jesus.

First, get into a comfortable place where you have minimal distractions.  Sometimes I find it helpful to listen to some soft music that doesn't have any words to distract me.  Also, unfamiliar music is best, to keep your mind from wandering to well-known music rather than focusing on your prayer and meditation time.

Next, read whatever passage of scripture that you've decided to read for the day.  You could use a passage proscribed to you by a devotional book, or just start at the beginning of a book and read through to the end.  Try not to read so much that you get lost in the sheer volume of verses that you have to cover.  Just a chapter may be best.  Prayerfully consider which four verses, phrases, or words stand out to you from the text.  Assign a verse, phrase, or word to each of the following: Invitatory, Cruciform, Weeks, and Benedictory.

Begin by holding the prayer beads in one hand, and touching the cross lightly with your fingers.  The Lord's Prayer is a good beginning for any meditation session.  Then, move your fingers to the first bead, the Invitatory.  You might pray your own prayer, inviting God's presence.  Or, you could use a verse, phrase, or word that was meaningful to you from your scripture reading.  As you repeat the verse, breathe deeply and intentionally.  Inhale all the way and exhale all the way.  You don't need to rush this--it's all about the process, not about finishing quickly.  Next, move to the right or left (your preference), and begin to go through the Weeks.  Again, breathe deeply as you repeat your selected verse.  When you get to the next Crucifoem bead, repeat the same verse you used for the last Cruciform.  Continue around the prayer circle until you have completed the cycle.  Moving back down toward the cross, the Invitatory becomes the Benedictory bead.  Now, either pray your own prayer of blessing and thanksgiving for this time of meditation, or say another verse that you've decided to use with the Benedictory.  You may choose to repeat the Lord's Prayer or Twenty-third Psalm when you finish with the cross.

Once you've prayed through the Prayer Beads, you might decide to go around the circle again.  Or, if you're done, take time to pray your own prayer about whatever God has revealed to you from His word during this time of scripture reading and meditation.  Rest awhile in silence before you open you return to the world around you.  Simply sit in peace and listen to God.  Finally, with an "amen," end your time of meditation and prayer.

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